The Strange Life of Dhrubo (2025)
- 2025
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Storyline The Strange Life of Dhrubo (2025)
A film exploring human existence through art and morality in Bengal, following Dhrubo's complex journey of crime, love, and redemption as he navigates between right and wrong in a world of moral uncertainty.
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- country: India
- original name: ধ্রুবর আশ্চর্য জীবন
- runtime: 135.
- original language: bn
- translation: Bengali
- director: Abhijit Chowdhury
Rishav Basu, Ritwika Pal, Korak Samanta, Badshah Moitra, Debesh Chatterjee, Sudip Mukherjee, Judhajit Sarkar, Deepak Halder, Anandarupa Chakraborty, Senjuti Mukherjee, Santanu Nath, Prerana Das, Arunava Khasnobis" target="_blank" class="fs__btn_watch hover-op active-op" style="background: #471190">Click Here To Download [Bengali]
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