Pimp My Bride (2024)

  • 2024
  • ---

Storyline Pimp My Bride (2024)

Man in debt convinces driver Fiona to pose as his model fiancée to fool his wealthy family in Morocco and secure money. They spend a weekend pretending to be engaged during a family gathering.

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Pimp My Bride (2024) poster - Allmovieland.com
  • country: France
  • original name: L'heureuse élue
  • runtime: 91.
  • original language: fr
  • translation: Hindi
  • director: Frank Bellocq
cast: Camille Lellouche, Lionel Erdogan, Michèle Laroque, Gérard Darmon, Chloé Astor, Frank Bellocq, Brahim Bihi, Myriam Bourguignon, Clémence Bretécher, Jean-Michel Correia, Victoire Dauxerre, Amaury de Crayencour, Anaëlle Duguet, Louai El Amrousy, Neil Illane, Hassan Keïta, Iris Monnier, Meriem Serbah, Marceau Virleux, Paul Virleux
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